Smith Commuter Series

Ask Vince Rhino—photographer, bike messenger, alley cat racer, native New Yorker—and he’ll tell you there may be bad weather, but there are no bad days. Take a spin with us, and see what city life is like for this multi-dimensional cyclist, low-key style maven and all-around good guy.​

Smith believes strongly in pioneering new perspectives. This #SmithExpress film series is intended to create a platform for individuals doing just that—surviving, thriving and finding ways to come out stronger than ever before. Vince, Kevin, Stephanie, Logan and Amber were each kind enough to spend a day with us. NYC is fortunate to have them, and so are we.

Director & DP: Kyle Lieberman
Story Director:
Benjamin Roy
Executive Producers:
Keiron Berndt, PJ Lungren
Luke Houben